Посветување На Сатана - Ритуал На Иницијација
Преземање на Обврска кон Сатана

„Да имав толку души колку што има ѕвезди, би ги дал сите за Мефистофел! -Др. Фауст

Satan looks out for His own. Satan gives us an inner strength and we become very strong in spirit. Unlike right hand path religions, where adherents are forever praying and searching for their god, Satan comes to us on his own. Many times, we can feel him. He comes to guide us when we get down, worried, or are experiencing problems.

He snaps us into line and directs us as to what we need to do to be focused and happy.

The foundation of Spiritual Satanism is in our finishing Satan's work upon humanity. This is the goal of the Godhead, and is accomplished through power meditation. Humanity is currently at a very low level spiritually. When we begin to meditate, we experience profound positive changes within our lives. Satan and his Demons (The Original Gods) protect us and look out for us as we transform and achieve personal power. With Satan, we have protection that outsiders do not have. We can advance in the powers of the mind and soul as far as we wish. For outsiders, this can prove dangerous.

Satan also gives us knowledge. "I lead to the straight path without a book."

As we transform and grow, our lives change for the better and we are much happier. We learn through Satan how to take control of our own lives and destiny instead of being at the mercy of fate. We learn to heal ourselves, and to fulfill our own desires, using the powers of our mind and soul.

In making a commitment, we engage a formal ritual. This is done out of free will. We are making a choice, as opposed to being dragged off to some Christian church, and reciting canned prayers (stolen and corrupted from Eastern mantras) in front of a bunch of idiots.

With knowledge and research, we can prove beyond all doubt that the nazarene, "jehova", “allah” and ilk are all fictitious characters, stolen from and corrupted concepts to remove all spiritual knowledge so that a "chosen" few can rule the world using powers of the mind and soul. For further information, please visit exposingchristianity.info & islamicevil.com

If you are leaving the lie of Islam, then you can replace the words with "Mohammed" and "Allah" in the dedication Ritual. The renouncing can be against Islam. The lie of Islam is equally dangerous and based on complete hoaxes. Knowledge liberates the mind; one has to be free to walk towards knowledge.

Because so many have been forcefully indoctrinated with these characters, and what they stand for (Enemies of Satan), we renounce them permanently in the dedication ritual. This proves to be psychologically healthy and liberating.

The Dedication Ritual is a symbolic and extremely powerful Ritual where one shows that one is brave, courageous and decided to advance Spiritually. One’s soul is absolved from ties to ignorance, fear and falsehood, so they can proceed in spiritual development and reach the Godhead. The Dedication Ritual shows a change of path and a change of heart and is done to prove to yourself and to the Gods that you want to change from a slave to a spiritual being.

For more information, refer to these Articles:
The Dedication Ritual - Path to Initiation PDF
What is the Point of the Dedication Ritual Forum Post

The original meaning of the name Satan, means “Eternal Truth”. In Ancient Greek, the Name is related to the resurrection of the human soul from it’s fallen slumber.

Lucifer on the other hand, means Bringer of Light, the Light necessary for the Initiate to become Enlightened, spiritually powerful, and wise.

As Father Satan is the symbol of Eternal Truth, one dedicates to the highest virtue in the Universe there is, the real God.

Father Satan takes His children and His disciples and guides them to the Godhead, with the help of the other Ancient Gods which have guided humanity since our inception.

NO! There is no such thing in Spiritual Satanism. This is the exact opposite of what the enemy states, you are not selling your soul and nothing negative will happen as a result of this Ritual.

On the contrary, only positive things will happen to you from the Dedication Rite. You are indeed re-joining the Gods to claim again your soul, your spiritual power and your destiny to the Godhead, which was stolen from you via the falsehood of the enemy.

Christians and Muslims, do not have any semblance of what a soul is, or if they have any. They lied about “sale of souls” same as everything else they lied about. Spiritual Satanists do regain the powers of their soul, awaken it and grow it, so they can achieve the Magnum Opus and Spiritual power, freedom and elevation.

Yes. The Gods do take their Initiates very seriously. They will guide you lovingly and in the ways most necessary and fitting to you in the Path. Do not worry if you, as a New Initiate, can not hear them or see them. They guide you via unseen means, coincidences, signs and gradually. As one becomes spiritually adept, psychic communication [an ability of the soul] is going to be re-established.

Refer to the endless wealth of information in Ancient-Forums and Satans Library for knowing more about them, and read the Joy of Satan website fully.

The Blood is symbolic of your Ancestors and your own essence. On a symbolic nature, you are re-affirming the Ancient faith in the Gods of your Ancestors, your bloodline and your own self. This is all done simultaneously by the symbolic act of a few drops of blood on the Ritual.

Congratulations and Welcome!

Now, you are a Dedicated Satanist and Initiate of the Gods. Your have passed the Gates of Initiation.

Here are 10 directions for you to start growing in Spiritual Satanism:

1. Accept the fact that you are now an Initiate of the Gods and a member of their Spiritual and material family and Community.

2. Start Meditation and Spiritual Advancement

3. Leave behind all previous false conceptions about the Gods and all enemy lies– your mind must be cleared.

4. Stay persistent in the Path: In order to unlock the benefits of the Path, you must be persistent in your Meditations and Learning.

5. Do respect your life and your existence, and seek to advance spiritually and materially in every way. Spiritual Satanism is about Life and improving your existence.

6. Educate yourself about Spiritual Satanic Ethics [LINKED], so you increase your personal power and wisdom.

7. Know that you are walking the Eternal Path of the Gods and our Ancestors with utmost certainty.

8. Pray to the Gods to guide you along the path, in your own personal way and in accordance to your tolerance; pressing prayers, enforced praying, or other forced practices are not part of Spiritual Satanism. One can connect to the Gods on their own accord.

9. Understand that the process of your transformation is a joyous and beautiful journey that will take time. There is no rush.

10. Studying about the Gods, and engaging in the Community [ancient-forums.com link here] with other Spiritual Satanists

Have faith in the Gods and enjoy your spiritual journey!

Can I perform the ritual more than once?

Answer: NO! Satanic rituals are real and binding. The ritual should only be done ONE TIME!

I performed the ritual. I could barely get any blood on the paper, is the ritual still valid?

YES!! The amount of blood does not matter, this is only a formality. What is in our hearts and what our intentions are, are much more important than the amount of blood in our signature. Do NOT worry if the Ritual did not go perfectly; you have been accepted!

Can I reverse the ritual at a later date?

Satanic rituals, unlike the rituals in other religions, are real and permanent. I received a very small number of letters from people who were confused and harassed by Christians. One person performed a reverse ritual and Satan left him. Totally. Satan does not push Himself on anyone.

Christians are deceived. They believe their "God" to be "loving" and "forgiving." In truth, this monster is a spiteful, hateful attacker of human beings. When one is with Satan, one is always under his protection. He looks out for us and we enter a new life where we no longer have the worries that others endure. Things are not perfect, but they are always much better. Satan does not punish people who reject him, he simply leaves and one is left all alone to endure the torments of the enemy.

These people wrote to me because after several months, they were begging for Satan to take them back. The enemy did absolutely nothing for them. All were extremely regretful they ever left and very desperate to come back.

I am under-age and my parents would cause me serious problems if they ever caught me doing a Satanic ritual.

If there is absolutely no way you can perform the ritual without placing yourself in danger, you can perform it in your astral temple.[Click Here]

You can do the above ritual when you are older. Performing the dedication on the astral is every bit as valid as doing it physically. Satan is very understanding concerning teens who are forced into accepting Christianity while living at home and being underage.

I am underage, living in a Christian home and my parents force me to go to church and participate in Christian sacraments. Can I still do the dedication? Will Satan be angry with me?

Yes, you can still perform the ritual. Satan understands. As long as you are loyal to him in your heart, he will not be angry with you. Those of you under 18 are not free. There is no need to reveal your allegiance to Satan to anyone. What is in your heart is more important than anything else. Satan advises us in the Al-Jilwah not to reveal our religion to outsiders if it will cause us harm in any way, this is especially important for teens. Just renounce the Christian "God" in your mind if you are forced to participate in any of his garbage. Satan understands it can be downright dangerous, and in some cases even life-threatening for teens living in Christian homes to reveal their allegiance to him.


Ритуалот за иницијација е многу личен, освен ако не одлучите да учествуваат пријатели или не го правите како дел од група. Можете да изберете кој било датум за да го направите овој ритуал. Погрижете се да се капете пред ритуалот на иницијација, бидејќи тоа покажува почит.


Ќе ви требаат:

- 1 или повеќе црни, сини или црвени свеќи (колку што сакате - бојата на свеќата не е апсолутна потреба)

- Стерилизирана игла или брич

- Парче чиста хартија, доволно голема за да ја напишете молитвата подолу


Не грижете се ако Ритуалот не оди совршено или целосно како што е планирано; Боговите сепак ќе те примат. Ритуалот е симболичен и обред на премин.


Пред Античките и Вечните Богови, пред семоќниот и неискажлив Бог Сатана/Луцифер, чиешто Име значи Вечна Вистина, и во присуство на сите Богови и Демони од Подземниот Свет и Небесните Царства, кои се Вистинските и Оригиналните Богови,

Јас, (напиши го твоето полно име) се откажувам од сите минати верности. Секоја врска со лажните Богови сега е прекината меѓу мене и нив, сега и за сите времиња.

Се одрекувам од лажниот Јудео-Христијански бог Јехова, се одрекувам од неговиот грд и безвреден еврејски син Исус Христос, се одрекувам од неговиот гнасен, омразен и гнил свет дух и сета слабост и збрка што ја носи со себе.

Сега и засекогаш, го прогласувам Сатана Луцифер како мој Еден и Единствен Бог.

Ветувам дека ќе Го препознавам и ќе Го почитувам во сè, без резерви, посакувајќи за возврат, негова многукратна помош за успешно завршување на моите потфати, физички или духовни.

Моето придржување, љубов и дружење нека бидат прифатени пред Боговите во Сите Домени, Духовни и Материјални.

Отсега натаму, Пред моите Богови, јас сум Син/Ќерка на Сатана/Луцифер, Оригиналните Богови.

И отсега натаму, јас припаѓам во нивното духовно Семејство, сега и засекогаш.

Ќе стојам силно и решително на Вечниот Пат на Сатја, На Вечната Вистина на Вечната Свест, нека овој Пат биди мој Пат кон Божеството.

Големи Богови и Божици, Прифатете ме во сите Ваши Имиња, примете ме во вашите Тајни!

Јас [напиши го повторно твоето име], сега сум твој Иницијатор.

Откако ќе се напише горенаведеното, кога ќе бидете подготвени, можете да ја запалите свеќата. Земете ја иглата, боцнете го показалецот од левата рака, исцедете малку крв.

Потпишете го вашето име со крв, каде мора да се потпиши вашето име.

Рецитирај ја молитвата гласно или во главата.

Преклопете ја хартијата и оставете ја да изгори во огнот на свеќата.

Многумина од нас останаа и медитираа додека свеќата не се изгоре.

На крајот од ритуалот, затворете со зборовите „Така да биде“. И голем „СЛАВА САТАНА!!“


© copyright 2002 - 2024 - Joy of Satan Ministries;
US Library of Congress Number: 12-16457, CI-476909645 EU Copyright Number.

*Note: All writings on this website have been copyrighted. The author grants permission to print these for personal study as long as they are not altered.